Thursday, August 28, 2008

They've been busy knocking down walls!

View from new room through kitchen.
New window in Master Bedroom.
New window in Master Bathroom. View of opened up dining room.

Another view of dining room.
Shows the wall knocked down between kitchen and living room. We will have a pantry and bar in this space. The workers call this the bowling alley because it is such a long open space. They all love the openness of the house now and we have a lot more light.

This is a view from the front hall thru the living room and you can see the new room's windows.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Windows and doors and more! Oh my!

Things are changing and taking shape.

Notice our new (temp) kitchen in the dining room (top pic).

Friday, August 22, 2008

The walls are closing in, but taking shape.

The construction and demolition days through 8/21/08.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


The brick has been removed, plastic is covering the windows (cannot see out and feel like in a prison), and the block foundation has been laid (under the blue tarp). We are definitely on the way.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Construction(?) begins!

The digging of the foundation and the moving of one finger to the septic system started Monday.