Saturday, January 16, 2010

Last day

Our last day. We had to check out of the condo by 10AM and our flight wasn't until 11PM,
SOOOO, we went to the Na Aina Kai Botanical gardens.

 Above is a rainbow tree (our name). The bark has
several different colors.

The gardens had several sculptures.  You can't see
them in the picture but each tree branch
has a different fish at the ends.

Memaw thinking about what to do next.

Its a garden!! You have to take a picture of a flower.

We liked this sculpture in the middle of a man-made lagoon.

We posed for this sculpture.

Now you know haw weathermen farcast the weather


The end.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sunrise from our lanai


One of the kiteboarders got airborne right in front of us

Path to Hidesaways Beach

Hideaways Beach

Hideaways Beach

The turtle decided to sunbathe

A picture of Bali Hai from the beach

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sunrise from our condo

The end of our hike today

More views from  our hike

Enjoying another beach day

The entrance to Princeville - our condo location
Enjoying the pool at the condo - no one around

The taro fields in Princeville

Monday, January 11, 2010

Jan 11,2010

Walking across the swinging bridge.

Memaw doing her ziplining.

Pepaw doing his graceful landing.

Secret Beach with lighthouse in background - notice the huge waves!

The albatrosses that lived in our neighborhood.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Jan 10,2010

A really pretty lighthouse.

A good beach for surfers - where we killed time waiting for our condo to be ready.

The view from our lanai from our new condo in Princeville.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Jan 9,2010

Some baby goats we saw at a lookout.

Pops posing on our hike along Waimea Canyon.

Memaw crossing the ridge at the top.

A little waterfall and pool at the end of the hike.

Waimea Canyon.

Our last sunset from the southside.  We move to the northside tomorrow.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Jan 8,2010

Totally relaxed on the beach after our massage.

Another beach we found that no one else seemed to have found yet.

We are having a contest:  Which sunset picture is best?  One taken by Pepaw and one taken by Memaw.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Jan 7,2010

The turtle was flirting with Pepaw.

Do you claim him as your father?

Some surfers.

The usual sunset.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Jan. 6,2010

Another beautiful sunrise.

We walked along the cliffs.

More pictures of the cliffs.

He was trying to get my life insurance.  Kept telling me to back up.

A good picture of the waves crashing.

A crab that wanted his picture taken.

Can you find the baby seal?

This was part of our path on the hike.  Ugly, wasn't it.

We finally saw a good sunset.