Friday, February 4, 2011

St. John - Friday

our most beautiful sunrise

Trunk Bay Beach - why we came back to St. John - just as pretty as I remembered

another picture of Trunk Bay Beach - we chose the day when the cruise ships were not at St. Thomas so no crowds

we tried to show the different colors but the picture doesn't do it justice - the water was just like a swimming pool

the donkeys came to say goodbye - we watched them from our balcony

Thursday, February 3, 2011

St. John - Thursday

we took the day off and relaxed at the villa

in his usual shady spot

we wanted proof that we did run - 4 miles

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

St. John - Wednesday

a great place for breakfast

a cute little lizard

an unusual looking cactus - the south side is much drier

supposedly world famous - had a good hamburger

donkeys and goats just walk thru town

a pretty view from our hike today

fun sculptures that people make out of coral at Drunk Bay

Pepaw's favorite beach - especially on their trips in and out of the water - it was not supposed to be a topless beach

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

St. John - Tuesday

Giant Starfish on our snorkeling trip - at least 12 inches across

Pepaw taking the time to smell the flowers

Puffer Fish

the beach from which we snorkeled - we swam 0.2 mile out to an island then all around the island then swam back - pretty good for a non swimmer

a view of the beautiful water colors

we always have to see a turtle

beautiful coral and flora