Sunday, August 28, 2011

2011 North Country 1/2 Marathon near Manistee, MI.

August 25 through August 27, 2011
We finished (notice the 50lbs of weight around our neck - next time look for worlds smallest medal)
We started out with a stop st St.Joseph Beach because of the pizza.

I like pizza!

The sand dune we thought we would hike the day before the race.

At the top of the 1st sand dune we found more sand dunes to hike before we saw Lake Michigan

From the scenic drive Vicki points to where we hiked.

The sign says stay on path. Some people can't read in Michigan.

If you lay on your right side this picture looks ok!

Of course we had to sit on the beach and read while in Manistee (5th Ave. Beach)

And we had to take pictures of a sunset!

Proof that Vicki finished. NOTE: the time is not hers but for the full marathoners who started about an hour before we did.