Monday, January 4, 2010

Jan 04,2010

How we started the day looking out from our lanai.  We also saw several turtles in the water,
Then we started on one of our famous hikes.  Muddy, rainy, all up hill.  But we were so proud because even though we slipped several times, we never fell on our behinds.

But it was all worth it when we got to the top.


The Dorans said...

I think it's a good thing we decided to delay our trip for a few years - I'm not seeing Lainey making it up that trail. By the way, it's kind of hard to tell, is that a rainbow in the last pic?

Unknown said...

Looks like you guys are ready for the Inca trail. I'm counting you in.

Kute by Kari said...

Is Pepaw on this trip? Eli is concerned you left him at home because we don't see him in any pictures :)

the boy said...

Would I still get blamed if Mama fell down the side of a mountain in Hawaii?