Friday, January 8, 2010

Jan 8,2010

Totally relaxed on the beach after our massage.

Another beach we found that no one else seemed to have found yet.

We are having a contest:  Which sunset picture is best?  One taken by Pepaw and one taken by Memaw.


The Dorans said...

I'm torn - I love the branches hanging down in the bottom picture since it frames the sunset... but I also like all the rocks in the top pic showing the waves breaking. I think I'll have to vote for the bottom one with the branches.

Unknown said...

I like the bottom picture too!

Jim and Vicki said...

That would make Memaw the winner!!

joe petricek said...

Vicki -- I vote for the bottom one too -- the branches made it. (the top one is breathtaking too)

the boy said...
